Readme: Organization of Vicon and Kinect and Poppy control files Authors: Maxime Devanne ( Sao Mai Nguyen ( ************************************************* The recordings are organized into 5 folders for each participant subgroup, the subfolders correspond to each recording modality, and sub-subfolders correspond to each of the 3 exercise types. Groups : 1A= labelled patient coached by Poppy, 1B= unlabelled patient coached by Poppy, 2A= labelled healthy adults coached by Poppy, 2B= unlabelled healthy adults coached by Poppy, 3= labelled healthy participants simulating errors. In the case of groups 1a, 1b, 2a and 2b, each recording is given a unique number, which is the same for all recording modalities (The nomenclature of the files in the data set includes the following information: groupID/Modality/GroupId-Modality-ExerciseName-SubjectId-RecordingId.extension). In the case of group 3, the name of the file indicates the label of the error and the recording id. The nomenclature of the files in this case is : group3/Modality/G3_ExerciseName_ParticipantId_TrialId_label_RecordingId.extension. ************************************************ The directories are: group1A --- annotations |-- blazepose |-- kinect |-- openpose |-- videos group1B --- kinect |-- blazepose |-- openpose |-- videos group2A --- annotations |-- blazepose |-- kinect |-- openpose |-- videos group2B --- kinect |-- blazepose |-- openpose |-- videos ` group3 --- kinect |-- blazepose |-- openpose |-- videos |-- vicon ************************************************ 1. Vicon System 1.1 Vicon skeleton The Vicon files are acquired using Vicon Motion Capture System. 17 targets from ART were placed on the human body. The full list of target names and associated ids is: 0. Right Forearm 1. Left Forearm 2. Right Arm 3. Left Arm 4. Chest 5. Right Thigh 6. Left Thigh 7. Right Shoulder 8. Left Shoulder 9. Right Hand 10. Left Hand 11. Right Foot 12. Left Foot 13. Hips 14. Head 15. Right Tibia 16. Left Tibia 1.2 Vicon files Each Vicon file corresponds to a motion sequence. Within the file, each row represents a frame and includes 119 floating values corresponding to the 3D global position and the global orientation (Quaternion) of each target: x_pos y_pos z_pos x_quat y_quat z_quat w_quat Each target's position and quaternion is concatenated according to the order described in 1.1 2. Kinect System 2.1 Kinect skeleton The Kinect skeleton includes 25 joints: 0. SpineBase 1. SpineMid 2. Neck 3. Head 4. ShoulderLeft 5. ElbowLeft 6. WristLeft 7. HandLeft 8. ShoulderRight 9. ElbowRight 10. WristRight 11. HandRight 12. HipLeft 13. KneeLeft 14. AnkleLeft 15. FootLeft 16. HipRight 17. KneeRight 18. AnkleRight 19. FootRight 20. SpineShoulder 21. HandTipLeft 22. ThumbLeft 23. HandTipRight 24. ThumbRight 2.2 Kinect files Each Kinect file corresponds to a motion sequence. Within the file, each row represents a frame and includes 175 floating values corresponding to the 3D position and the orientation (Quaternion) of each joint: x_pos y_pos z_pos x_quat y_quat z_quat w_quat Each joint's position and quaternion is concatenated according to the order described in 2.2 3. OpenPose 3.1. Coco Model for OpenPose The OpenPose skeleton used is the COCO model, from which we have recorded the following joints: 0. Head 1. mShoulder 2. rShoulder 3. rElbow 4. rWrist 5. lShoulder 6. lElbow 7. lWrist 8. rHip 9. rKnee 10. rAnkle 11. lHip 12. lKnee 13. lAnkle 3.2. OpenPose joints Each file corresponds to a motion sequence. within the file, is a dictionary of positions. The second level of dictionary is the video frame number. The third level of the dictionary is the joint name. For each joint is a 2D position : x_pos, y_pos 4. BlazePose 4.1. The 33 human body keypoints for BlazePose The BlazePose skeleton used is a new topology of 33 human body keypoints, which is a superset of COCO, BlazeFace and BlazePalm topologies, from which we have recorded the following joints: Nose Left_eye_inner Left_eye Left_eye_outer Right_eye_inner Right_eye Right_eye_outer Left_ear Right_ear Mouth_left Mouth_right Left_shoulder Right_shoulder Left_elbow Right_elbow Left_wrist Right_wrist Left_pinky Right_pinky Left_index Right_index Left_thumb Right_thumb Left_hip Right_hip Left_knee Right_knee Left_ankle Right_ankle Left_heel Right_heel Left_foot_index Right_foot_index 4.2. BlazePose joints Each file corresponds to a motion sequence. within the file, is a dictionary of positions. The second level of dictionary is the video frame number. The third level of the dictionary is the joint name. For each joint is a 3D position : x_pos, y_pos, z_pos Where z_pos represents the depth with respect to the video plane. 5. Control command files of the robot Poppy to demonstrate the three exercises. They are json files that use the syntax commonly used by the library pypot as described in its documentation ( and can be used with the web-interface developed by the project Keraal ( to execute on Poppy. They can be used with the physical robot Poppy or its simulation.